Grow your professional practice into a fulfilling, successful career through small, powerful tools that will create massive momentum in your practice. I ask you to be open, be curious and take action.

Each one of my courses and eBooks tackles a specific frustration or issue that therapists commonly have in their practices, and gives you the specific tools, processes and/or actions necessary to overcome these. The courses are jam-packed with videos, tutorials, workbooks and more!

Hi, I’m name is Mark Bentz.

I have been a therapist for 25 years. I am the founder and owner of one of Canada's largest multidisciplinary clinics - Electra Health - and I am a practice strategist, helping health professionals create and grow the practice of their dreams.

I am committed to taking the lessons it took over 25 years in the industry to learn + give it to you, so that you can learn them in a few hours, take action and create the professional practice you've always wanted.